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Pat Davis

I was fortunate enough to have taught with things of the teachers on  to have your list.

My first teaching job began at the Bank’s School from 2/71 to 6/81.

Jack Pinzone was inspirational. From him I learned to teach from the heart and never lose your sense of humor. His students and peers all loved him. He kept us laughing in the teachers’ Room.

I taught with Eileen Long at Northeast. She was an amazing teacher and a great friend. She inspired her students to do their very best. She had a memory like a computer. She not only remembered every event but also knew the exact date that the event took place.

I also taught with Al Garnache at Northeast. He was talented, kind, quiet and generous. He inspired timid artists to try art projects that they were reluctant to do. My second  graders always looked forward to their art lessons with Mr. Garnache.